I Got Fat........So What?
For the first time in my life I have gained weight. I was devastated. But instead of letting the defeating feeling push me down, I have decided to do something about it....... And I've decided to write down my thoughts, my likes and dislikes, my pains and my joys, with the hopes that my experience can help someone out there find their joy in life. So, my cyber-still-unknown friends..... welcome to my blog, and join me in this journey to the center of my soul.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Long Time, No See
I am back!!
Yes, it is true, I am back from a long absence. so many things happened in my life these couple of years that it will take me a while to update.....
One thing that I can tell you guys is that I changed jobs, got into a PhD program in Clinical Psychology, and moved to a new city/county.
Lots of fun things, right??? So do you guys remember Ozzy?? Here he is two years later, looking handsome as always!!
Many great things.....
Oh yes, I had a lapband surgery in December 2011, and lost 65 pounds so far, and I want to talk to you about it..... but on my next post, ok??
love always,
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Getting Stronger
Hi guys!
Long time no see, hum? Sorry… I went back to school and have been so tired I can’t even put my thoughts together. I am taking some photography classes and also Eating Disorder classes, and I am so involved with my classes it's been hard to find time to write. But as I was reading an email a friend sent me, I thought to myself… “I know there are people out there that need to read this message. So I decided to post this on my blog…..I hope you like it…
Love, always…
“Do you know that whatever you have attracted into your life
right now is precisely what you need to grow and expand?
Think about a situation in your life that is negative
or not exactly what you desire. Describe how this
situation makes you feel. Ask yourself, how can I use
this situation to help me learn and grow? What insights
can you learn about yourself from this situation?
Everything that comes to you is a tool to help you reach
to the next level. Think about it . . . you have situations
in your life that are personal just to you and specific
for your growth.
Your friends, family members and co-workers do not have
the same situations and circumstances in their lives.
We attract what we need in our lives, and that includes
life lessons. If you start looking at situations as a
blessing and an opportunity for growth, you come from
a place of expanding instead of contracting. Answers
and guidance will come to you in that place instead of
fighting what is happening in your life.”
Christy Whitman International Inc
3565 Las Vegas Blvd. South #213
Las Vegas, NV
Long time no see, hum? Sorry… I went back to school and have been so tired I can’t even put my thoughts together. I am taking some photography classes and also Eating Disorder classes, and I am so involved with my classes it's been hard to find time to write. But as I was reading an email a friend sent me, I thought to myself… “I know there are people out there that need to read this message. So I decided to post this on my blog…..I hope you like it…
Love, always…
“Do you know that whatever you have attracted into your life
right now is precisely what you need to grow and expand?
Think about a situation in your life that is negative
or not exactly what you desire. Describe how this
situation makes you feel. Ask yourself, how can I use
this situation to help me learn and grow? What insights
can you learn about yourself from this situation?
Everything that comes to you is a tool to help you reach
to the next level. Think about it . . . you have situations
in your life that are personal just to you and specific
for your growth.
Your friends, family members and co-workers do not have
the same situations and circumstances in their lives.
We attract what we need in our lives, and that includes
life lessons. If you start looking at situations as a
blessing and an opportunity for growth, you come from
a place of expanding instead of contracting. Answers
and guidance will come to you in that place instead of
fighting what is happening in your life.”
Christy Whitman International Inc
3565 Las Vegas Blvd. South #213
Las Vegas, NV
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Thou Shall Not Panicth
One of the most common things that happen in a course of a diet is a set back. Well, it happened to me. I lost 17 pounds and my weight loss came to a halt. The most important thing that you should remember if something like this happens is Don't Panic, there is an explanation for it.
When I first started this journey I told you guys I didn't want to go on a diet. I was eating what ever I wanted, and I lost my first pounds. But the weight loss stopped, and I even gain a couple of pounds back. So what do I need to do? I need to reassess and find out why is this happening, and what are the things I can change. One thing I noticed is that I am eating more carbs than I should, and having my last meal later than before. Another important thing, was that I moved from an apartment located on the third floor, to one in the first floor. There is a big change right there, I am not burning the calories I was burning before. What I am trying to say, is that if you look closely, you will find out what are the things that are holding you from achieving your goal. You should be able to make good changes to help you get back on track.
One of the things I did was to enroll in a fitness club. NOW.... if you are paying for a membership in a fitness club. Make Sure to USE IT! Many , many , many times I was paying for a membership and I wasn't going. Not the time for this now. If there is one thing I have learned, is how exercise is important. And I am not talking about losing weight of looking good, I am talking about overall health. Exercise will improve your metabolism, increase serotonin levels, help with your muscles and help avoid diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis. When we look at exercise as something that is essential to our health, it makes it easier to see how important it is to stick to it.
So, my dear friends... don't you worry! Don't panic if your plan is not working according you your expectations, because it is in fact working as you planned. You will lose weight in a much slower pace, but if you stick to your plan, you will lose this weigh for good. Remember, if you are like me, it took you time to gain this weight and it took you time to finally find your strength to lose it. So it will take time for me to lose it all. It is a process... I know I will have my bad days and my good days. Life is like that. I have learned to be kind to myself, and I am not letting myself down again. I love me enough to fight for what will make me happy!
And you should do the same!
So, my dears, I will see you later!
Love, always,
When I first started this journey I told you guys I didn't want to go on a diet. I was eating what ever I wanted, and I lost my first pounds. But the weight loss stopped, and I even gain a couple of pounds back. So what do I need to do? I need to reassess and find out why is this happening, and what are the things I can change. One thing I noticed is that I am eating more carbs than I should, and having my last meal later than before. Another important thing, was that I moved from an apartment located on the third floor, to one in the first floor. There is a big change right there, I am not burning the calories I was burning before. What I am trying to say, is that if you look closely, you will find out what are the things that are holding you from achieving your goal. You should be able to make good changes to help you get back on track.
One of the things I did was to enroll in a fitness club. NOW.... if you are paying for a membership in a fitness club. Make Sure to USE IT! Many , many , many times I was paying for a membership and I wasn't going. Not the time for this now. If there is one thing I have learned, is how exercise is important. And I am not talking about losing weight of looking good, I am talking about overall health. Exercise will improve your metabolism, increase serotonin levels, help with your muscles and help avoid diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis. When we look at exercise as something that is essential to our health, it makes it easier to see how important it is to stick to it.
So, my dear friends... don't you worry! Don't panic if your plan is not working according you your expectations, because it is in fact working as you planned. You will lose weight in a much slower pace, but if you stick to your plan, you will lose this weigh for good. Remember, if you are like me, it took you time to gain this weight and it took you time to finally find your strength to lose it. So it will take time for me to lose it all. It is a process... I know I will have my bad days and my good days. Life is like that. I have learned to be kind to myself, and I am not letting myself down again. I love me enough to fight for what will make me happy!
And you should do the same!
So, my dears, I will see you later!
Love, always,
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Behavioral Component

Sorry it took me so long to come back! I moved to a new place, began classes again.... my life has been really busy!
But even if I am busy, I happily report that I have lost 17 pound already! A lot of my friends come to me asking what am I doing, and I tell them.. "My own program!". I have to say, I feel proud of myself for that! I tell them about the cognitive component, telling them about Learning the Guidelines, and the OCD Technique, ... but I realized I had left the Behavioral component out, I haven't told anyone about it yet! So, I will do this now.
First, you need to decided what are the changes you want to make. I wanted to stop eating after 8pm. So exactly at 8pm, I Brush my teeth, and if I feel I want to eat after that, I use a Mouth Wash. This helps me a lot when all I want is to have a good taste in my mouth. You might want to use this intervention if you want to stop snacking. You can brush your teeth after your meal, and then use mouth wash when you feel like eating something. If this does not work, try Chewing Gum, but chose the one you enjoy the most, you don't need to chew on a sugar free if you don't like it.
Second behavioral Intervention: Wait, smell, enjoy your food. what do I mean? Serve your plate, put it down, and look at it without eating for a minute. This will teach you to have self-control. it is not hard because it is not as you are stopping yourself from eating all together, all you are doing is waiting a little longer to start eating.
Third, Eat Slowly. I already told you that on the other post, but this is actually important. The act of eating fast is a compulsive behavior, and we want to learn more normal behavior right? So take your time chewing, give a little more time between bites. Put your fork/spoon down between bites. Cut smaller pieces of your food.
Forth, Don't get distracted while you eat. This tip I actually read on Geneen Roth's book, Women, Food & God. When you eat in front of the TV or reading a book or magazine, you are not eating consciously, you are in automatic mode, and therefore, not conscious of your behavior. If we are willing to modify behavior, we need to consciously make changes. As much as we consciously make a change, after a while, it will become automatic, and then you can relax a little more about this. But if you notice you are slipping back to your old ways, just go back to these interventions.
Fifth, Never Eat Standing Up. Eating has to become something enjoyable, natural. when you eat standing up you are failing to tell your brain you had a proper meal, and your brain needs this consistency to help your behavioral change.
Finally, Breath. When you get overwhelmed by a craving, of by any life event that makes you anxious and wanting to release your tension by eating... take some deep breaths. Relax. When you are anxious and tense, you are releasing cortisol in your body, and cortisol can actually interfere with your weight loss by making your body store fat. When you are more relaxed, you will produce Serotonin, the "Feel Good Hormone", and serotonin works with your hunger by decreasing your hunger, and consequently, helping you lose weight. So... if life gets hard... take 5... and breath. Enjoy the roses, my dear friend!
I will be posting more intervention ideas in the future, cognitive interventions, and behavioral interventions. If any of you have some good ideas to share, I will love to hear from you, and maybe post it here giving you credit for it, OK? I will also post some ideas to start exercising. I know that when we are overweight we do not feel like exercising, but there are also some interventions we can use that will help with that!
So, have a great weekend,
Love always,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
My Friend, Jan Marshall.... Author and Humorist .
Hi my friends!!! I miss you guys!
I have been so busy, moving to a new apartment, new classes on Photography and Eating Disorder.... I can't seem to find time to write my blog!
But!! Today I have a surprise, a dear friend of mine is a terrific writer and humorist, and she wrote a funny piece on dieting. I thought it was prefect to post here! I hope you all enjoy!
Love, always....
By Jan Marshall
After many attempts and failures to look gorgeous, I finally held my own peace accord. Pressuring me to get in shape never worked since my mind and body were never on the same plate.
Both consider the other an enemy and have fought constantly. I was fed up. It was time for a truce.
Communication was all it took. I recorded it for you.
MIND: Well Bod, this is truly an historical event. For the first time we are involved in “peaceful negotiations” toward a just and lasting thinness.
BODY: Yes, we have always had the same objective which was to cut calories. It was the method that caused those belly skirmishes. I am pleased we are finally talking steps in unison towards a fabulous figure.
MIND: I agree, Body and that is why I'd like you to know that I acknowledge your right to exist (although I question the amount of territory you cover).
BODY: Just listen to that! She recognizes my right to exist. The audacity!
MIND: Now you listen. No need to revert to your old hostile manner.
BODY: I would like to remind you that I am not hostile but I definitely do not need your permission to exist. I just do and that’s that. What I would prefer, actually, is to get back to the bargaining table which just happens to be in the kitchen. Would you like some fruit and cookies?
MIND: Of course not! After all, the point we are attempting to agree on is how you are going to drop a few pounds. Now the question is what are you willing to give up in order to gain these results?
BODY: Hey; we are in this together. Let’s take back our good looks together. Also, do not use the word “gain” in my presence. If we agree, in order to live in harmony with you I’d relinquish the nutty peanut butter I smear on my Sara and Tommy Lee Pounds of Cake. Believe me, that is some sacrifice. So! What will you do in exchange?
MIND: How about no more scolding? I won’t remind you a moment on your lips is forever on your hips, thighs and chins, both of them. And I promise not to say you are a bad person when you finish the kid’s leftover dinners each night considering he is not your kid or even sitting at your table.
BODY: Good. Because the more you yelled, the worse I felt and the worse I felt the more I ate. I am convinced you are sincere in your wish to reach a lasting “sveltness.” Let’s celebrate with a brief interruption in our talks and order pizza.
MIND: Pizza! How can you consider pizza at a time like this?
BODY: Okay, forget the pizza. How about spaghetti?
MIND: Spaghetti is out of the question.
BODY: What if I promise to jog, clog and tap-dance every day?
MIND: No!!! There is no way spaghetti is acceptable if we are to arbitrate a reconciliation.
BODY: Then that is just too bad. I will never, ever give up spaghetti. If you accept my pasta position, I will adhere to other conditions. What if I stop lying about my height?
MIND: No! If our goal is to keep you/us from looking like a moose in a bikini, then we must give up spaghetti, and that is that!
BODY: Never!!!!
MIND: Well, I am afraid we can no longer keep up these talks.
BODY: Please. Do not close the door to peace completely. Why don’t we find a Good Humored Man for a couple of scoops of chocolate-pecan with cherries?
MIND: Two scoops! Are you nuts?
BODY: Okay, okay. We’ll just have one scoop.
MIND: You’ve got yourself a deal, Body Buddy.
La Chaim!
Just Ask Jan and the Dudes
I have been so busy, moving to a new apartment, new classes on Photography and Eating Disorder.... I can't seem to find time to write my blog!
But!! Today I have a surprise, a dear friend of mine is a terrific writer and humorist, and she wrote a funny piece on dieting. I thought it was prefect to post here! I hope you all enjoy!
Love, always....
By Jan Marshall
After many attempts and failures to look gorgeous, I finally held my own peace accord. Pressuring me to get in shape never worked since my mind and body were never on the same plate.
Both consider the other an enemy and have fought constantly. I was fed up. It was time for a truce.
Communication was all it took. I recorded it for you.
MIND: Well Bod, this is truly an historical event. For the first time we are involved in “peaceful negotiations” toward a just and lasting thinness.
BODY: Yes, we have always had the same objective which was to cut calories. It was the method that caused those belly skirmishes. I am pleased we are finally talking steps in unison towards a fabulous figure.
MIND: I agree, Body and that is why I'd like you to know that I acknowledge your right to exist (although I question the amount of territory you cover).
BODY: Just listen to that! She recognizes my right to exist. The audacity!
MIND: Now you listen. No need to revert to your old hostile manner.
BODY: I would like to remind you that I am not hostile but I definitely do not need your permission to exist. I just do and that’s that. What I would prefer, actually, is to get back to the bargaining table which just happens to be in the kitchen. Would you like some fruit and cookies?
MIND: Of course not! After all, the point we are attempting to agree on is how you are going to drop a few pounds. Now the question is what are you willing to give up in order to gain these results?
BODY: Hey; we are in this together. Let’s take back our good looks together. Also, do not use the word “gain” in my presence. If we agree, in order to live in harmony with you I’d relinquish the nutty peanut butter I smear on my Sara and Tommy Lee Pounds of Cake. Believe me, that is some sacrifice. So! What will you do in exchange?
MIND: How about no more scolding? I won’t remind you a moment on your lips is forever on your hips, thighs and chins, both of them. And I promise not to say you are a bad person when you finish the kid’s leftover dinners each night considering he is not your kid or even sitting at your table.
BODY: Good. Because the more you yelled, the worse I felt and the worse I felt the more I ate. I am convinced you are sincere in your wish to reach a lasting “sveltness.” Let’s celebrate with a brief interruption in our talks and order pizza.
MIND: Pizza! How can you consider pizza at a time like this?
BODY: Okay, forget the pizza. How about spaghetti?
MIND: Spaghetti is out of the question.
BODY: What if I promise to jog, clog and tap-dance every day?
MIND: No!!! There is no way spaghetti is acceptable if we are to arbitrate a reconciliation.
BODY: Then that is just too bad. I will never, ever give up spaghetti. If you accept my pasta position, I will adhere to other conditions. What if I stop lying about my height?
MIND: No! If our goal is to keep you/us from looking like a moose in a bikini, then we must give up spaghetti, and that is that!
BODY: Never!!!!
MIND: Well, I am afraid we can no longer keep up these talks.
BODY: Please. Do not close the door to peace completely. Why don’t we find a Good Humored Man for a couple of scoops of chocolate-pecan with cherries?
MIND: Two scoops! Are you nuts?
BODY: Okay, okay. We’ll just have one scoop.
MIND: You’ve got yourself a deal, Body Buddy.
La Chaim!
Just Ask Jan and the Dudes
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Animal Instinct...
Sorry I was gone for so long! had so many things going on that I did not find time to sit here and write the way I like. I started classes again, I am preparing to move to a new apartment, and.... I got a puppy! Well, I got a puppy for my daughter, but like every parent that gets their kids a pet, I am the one who is really taking care of him. It is lovely, and as I found out, a great help if someone needs to lose weight. How so? Well.... you are so involved with the puppy, that there is not much time to care about food. If you eat out of boredom.... this is the best way to find something to do other than eat. You also get some exercise, because you have to take your puppy out. And there is another good way a puppy can help you... it gives you so much love, that it actually helps people who are in a depressive state.
I can tell you that the things I have been doing are actually working. I lost a total of 10 pounds already. I know this number could be higher if I was exercising, but right now, my life has been waaaay too crazy for me to find time to exercise. I am hoping that after I move to the new place I will find the time to do it.
So, this is it for now, my friends....
I wills see you soon,
Love always,
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Learning The Guidelines....

Just as I promised on my last post, I will post some of the things I am using to help me on this journey.
First, Learn a Relaxation Technique. What ever relaxes you will work. Meditate, take pictures, dance, watch a movie, sing.... what ever you do, try finding something that relaxes you enough, so you won't feel pressured to eat as an escape to your problems.
Visualizing myself the way I want to look. One of the things I do over and over again is visualizing myself thin, happy, and free of problems. The key here is not only visualizing myself the way I want to look, but I try to feel the way I want to feel. There are times when I am feeling anxious or upset, and I stop.... take a deep breath.... and tell myself, "I did it! It happened, I don't have a problem anymore!" And for some reason, this works, it calms me down. And I linger on the feeling and enjoy that sensation of accomplishment.
Third, even when I give in, I will tell myself, "It's okay, I am not giving up, just taking a break." But most important, as I eat, I tell myself "Hum, this food is not so good after all. It is not as good as I thought. I don't need food to feel better. Food is just to nourish me, and it does not solve any problems." I keep teaching myself that food has nothing to do with emotions, and even if it felt like a lie at the beginning, now when I say it....it feels like the most tender truth.
I eat what I want, but I try to get small portions. I was used to eating larger portions, and what i am doing now is eating what I want in smaller quantities. For example, today I did not have time to go home for Lunch, and I did not have time to seat in a restaurant. So I went to McDonald's. I did not go to the Drive Thru, I went inside and I chose a mini meal with diet coke. I could not finish the fries, it was too much. I felt satisfied with so little....
Eat slowly. If I eat too fast I will probably eat more, not only because it takes about 20 minutes for my body to tell my brain I am full, but because I will be reinforcing my compulsive eating if I eat fast.
Enjoy what I eat. I want to enjoy what I eat, the smell and the taste. If I am eating something I don't want just because I want to lose weight, I will probably sabotage my weight loss. When I am eating, I observe my food, eat in small pieces and enjoy each bite. I try to taste all the ingredients in the food that I like. I made an omelet last night, and I used 1 egg + 1 egg white. I smelled it before I ate, and I tried to enjoy the cheese I had in, the onions, the parsley, the bell pepper.... so by the time I finished, I was fully satisfied because I had treat myself with something I like that was not reinforcing my food addiction.
Pay attention to the reasons why I eat. There are different reasons why I eat, maybe you have too. I eat because I am bored, stressed, worried. I do not eat when I am sad though. Sometimes we can eat because we are used to. An example is when you are at work and a co-worker brings in a treat for everyone, and you will eat just because it's something you like and because it is there. One of the things you could do is tell yourself. "I don't need to eat this now. It is here, and even if I come back and there is none left, I can always go to the store and buy it." Telling yourself you can buy it later, will help you learn to control the impulse to eat. When you don't give in to the urge to eat that treat thinking you can have at any time you want, it will actually make you don't want to buy it later. You are learning that food is not scarce, and you can easily say no to a tempting food.
Don't deny myself of the foods I like. If I have any forbidden foods, guess what will I do? I will binge on them. So, no food is out of limits, but I watch how much of it I am eating. It is a good idea not to mix 2 of the foods you know you shouldn't be eating. Moreover, you should eat small portions of these types of food, or chose to eat them on the weekends on larger amounts. As long as you don't use this as an excuse to binge on the foods you know make you lose control, you are okay to eat them. But if you notice that eating them make you lose control, these are the foods you need to work on harder with the cognition intervention, and maybe even learn how to use some behavioral intervention. (I will tell you about the behavioral intervention on the next post)
Eat low calories snacks that I enjoy, such as Popsicles. With this hot weather, the fruit Popsicles are great, just 25 to 30 calories each. They make a great dessert as well. When I feel like a chocolate Popsicle, I usually eat the weight watcher big fudges.
Bubble gum is a great way to control my urge to snack. I saw on Biggest Loser that Extra gums are great, just 5 calories, but I don't like Extra that much, so I actually chew on Juicy Fruit gums, its just 10 calories a stick and I feel more satisfied with a juicy fruit than with an Extra gum.
Patience. Patience, Patience. I know this will take time, so I am not putting myself down because I am not losing weight fast.
Learn how to cook your favorite foods. I am cooking so much more now and enjoying so much. I bought a few new appliances, and I am preparing healthier foods now. It tastes better and I know what is in it. This way I can plan my day and eat the foods I like.
Remember the good reasons why I want to lose weight. I don't tell myself that I want to lose weight because I look disgusting, or because I can't find clothe, or any other negative reason, I tell myself I need to lose weight because I will feel great, I will have many clothe to wear, it will be easier to move around, I will have more energy to go about my day, I will sleep better, or even that I will look better and feel more confident to find romance. Never get negative thought stuck in your head, that is why you got into this mess in the first place. Start being kind to yourself.
And of course, I use the OCD technique when I am feeling an uncontrollable urge to binge and eat something I know it would be bad for my health.
So, these are a few guidelines I am using that are helping me control this food addiction. I hope it helps you guys as much as it is helping me. And if anyone has any good ideas to incorporate to these guidelines, please feel free to share!
See you soon,
Love always....
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Huum... So Good to Feel Free!
So... It is totally working! Totally. One day at a time, and suddenly...you ain't feeling the pressure anymore. I am walking around this week experiencing what Dr. T experiencing all the time. And Ms. R, the Rebel... sounds so in piece, and confident... she did not cause me trouble this week. I lost more than 3 pounds this week.
My dear friends.... Jen.. and Jan... I will post some guidelines so you can understand what is happening Io me.
My hairdresser, Jen... was talking to me about the issue of gaining and losing weight, and I was telling her all those thoughts I have that make me want to eat.... and stuff myself with things that I shouldn't be eating. Well..... not only Jen gave me a great hair cut and highlights, but she inspired me to continue with my journey to find a way to just be.... and be happy with myself with no need to have food around.
I promise that next time I sit here I will post all the guidelines of what I am doing, either what worked for me and what didn't, maybe it could work for you.
so.... I will see you soon!
love always...
My dear friends.... Jen.. and Jan... I will post some guidelines so you can understand what is happening Io me.
My hairdresser, Jen... was talking to me about the issue of gaining and losing weight, and I was telling her all those thoughts I have that make me want to eat.... and stuff myself with things that I shouldn't be eating. Well..... not only Jen gave me a great hair cut and highlights, but she inspired me to continue with my journey to find a way to just be.... and be happy with myself with no need to have food around.
I promise that next time I sit here I will post all the guidelines of what I am doing, either what worked for me and what didn't, maybe it could work for you.
so.... I will see you soon!
love always...
Friday, August 6, 2010
Not Again.....

Oh man..... what a terrible day I am having today. Last night I found out that my ex-husband's new woman is in deed a devious bitch. And the bad part of this, is that I actually liked her! I don't want to get into details here... it makes no difference, but it got me so upset... first thing I wanted to do? Guess? Right.. f...ing eat! Damn. I not only ate, I binged. I feel so crappy now! Not only that I gave in, but I gave in because of a stupid unworthy reason. I am feeling so sad that not even Dr. T. would help right now. Then today other things happened, and it just added to my "problem". Man.... why can't I do this? What is happening? I already know that the technique works... so why after successful days I just go back to this shit? There is more to it... much more.... I need to meditate on it....
It is interesting how fast you can lose it. It just ... happens.... And we always try to blame something or someone, but the truth is.. it was just another damn trigger, and I gave in.
Well.... there is not much I can do now. It already happened and I can't change the past... but I can change the future. Now.. I just need to put myself together and move on. This will not stop me from continuing on my journey, it can't! I can't allow something like this to spoil my journey. Keep on going... But there is one good thing I have learned from this episode and the last days success. At least I know that I am able to control my urge to eat when I am anxious and I want to eat for no particular reason.... now I need to learn how to control my urge to eat after a trigger.
I feel better now.... I realize that writing about how I feel actually helps me. Good.
see you soon
Love, always...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
It's Alive!!
I am so happy! The OCD technique is hard, but it is working! Last night I wanted to snack on something... some chocolate covered strawberries I made, and I could not stop thinking about it. I decided to stay with the feeling. The anxiety increased, and increased, and I was feeling extremely uncomfortable. But after a few minutes, the anxiety lowered and I felt so relieved and proud of myself!
Same thing happened right now. I wanted to eat a sugar free chocolate I have in my desk at work, and I told myself I should not do it. I waited until the anxiety increased, and when it was on the peak, I was telling myself... "I am not really hungry! My body is not asking for food right now, and I don't need to eat." I took a deep breath, and another, and another... and it worked! Again! I know my snacking is anxiety driven, and I eat because of some irrational thoughts. Sometimes I feel that I don't really have a problem, that all it is... is a habit. In other words, sometimes I am not that anxious to eat, I just eat because I am used to. If I think of something, the impulse and response to that thought is always the same. An example... I have a head ache, I take a pill... I feel dirty, I take a shower.... I want to get a tan, I go out to the sun... I feel anxious, I eat... wait! NOT ANYMORE! If I feel anxious, eating won't solve the problem!! All the other things I react to, will solve the problem, but not with food. And I still need to teach my brain that, every day...with patience, love and kindness. Until one day... I will wake up... and food won't be such a big issue in my life anymore. I will be aware of it, but it wont control me anymore. And I truly believe that. I know that I will face some hard-core anxiety levels when I use the OCD technique, but I know it will begin changing my thoughts, and create new habits.
I could feel last night and today.. that the anxiety builds up.. but it does not stay! My worry in the past was always that I would feel anxious and it would turn into sadness, and it would turn into depression, and I wouldn't be able to stand it. I rather eat than feel that terrible anxiety. But this is not true! The anxiety just comes, and goes! Yes, it is uncomfortable, but it is even more uncomfortable when I give in and eat.. then the discomfort, the sadness, the anxiety builds up. And I feel all the crappy feelings I am trying to avoid. But this does not happen when I don't give in, instead...I feel empowered. This thing will lose grip on me, I am sure of it!!
And another thing.... I don't want to diet ever again!.. so... I will stop counting my calories... I know this will slower my process, but I just need to know all this craziness is over! Forever!
I am happy.... I feel alive again!
See you soon,
Love, always...
Same thing happened right now. I wanted to eat a sugar free chocolate I have in my desk at work, and I told myself I should not do it. I waited until the anxiety increased, and when it was on the peak, I was telling myself... "I am not really hungry! My body is not asking for food right now, and I don't need to eat." I took a deep breath, and another, and another... and it worked! Again! I know my snacking is anxiety driven, and I eat because of some irrational thoughts. Sometimes I feel that I don't really have a problem, that all it is... is a habit. In other words, sometimes I am not that anxious to eat, I just eat because I am used to. If I think of something, the impulse and response to that thought is always the same. An example... I have a head ache, I take a pill... I feel dirty, I take a shower.... I want to get a tan, I go out to the sun... I feel anxious, I eat... wait! NOT ANYMORE! If I feel anxious, eating won't solve the problem!! All the other things I react to, will solve the problem, but not with food. And I still need to teach my brain that, every day...with patience, love and kindness. Until one day... I will wake up... and food won't be such a big issue in my life anymore. I will be aware of it, but it wont control me anymore. And I truly believe that. I know that I will face some hard-core anxiety levels when I use the OCD technique, but I know it will begin changing my thoughts, and create new habits.
I could feel last night and today.. that the anxiety builds up.. but it does not stay! My worry in the past was always that I would feel anxious and it would turn into sadness, and it would turn into depression, and I wouldn't be able to stand it. I rather eat than feel that terrible anxiety. But this is not true! The anxiety just comes, and goes! Yes, it is uncomfortable, but it is even more uncomfortable when I give in and eat.. then the discomfort, the sadness, the anxiety builds up. And I feel all the crappy feelings I am trying to avoid. But this does not happen when I don't give in, instead...I feel empowered. This thing will lose grip on me, I am sure of it!!
And another thing.... I don't want to diet ever again!.. so... I will stop counting my calories... I know this will slower my process, but I just need to know all this craziness is over! Forever!
I am happy.... I feel alive again!
See you soon,
Love, always...
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